
I am nowadays reading the "Confessions of an advertising man" by David Ogilvy, the founder of what is now one of the best known agencies in the world. It is very funny to read it, specially when you consider it was written in the sixties and that a lot still applies to our days. And to see that in some points, in my country we are only starting to look at them now. It is very interesting for me to read also, because it shows that a lot of what I have learned (achademically or empirically) is in fact true and based on facts. This is another thing I like about the book. Ogilvy focus a lot on facts and like myself was a professional salesperson before starting in the advertising world. I would very much apreciate to someday be in the communication business as hard or even harder then he was. Nevertheless, there are a lot of points which I of course disagree with Master Ogilvy, but still, it is something worth being read.
I am beggining to understand that for now, I am only able to read biographies or books somehow biographical, at the same time, I am reading President Clinton's Biography, but this one I will only read it by the time I am 30.
That's all for today, take care
P.S. Wow 2 posts in just 2 days, new record broken :DD
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