
Incredible how long it has been ever since i last wrote some lines here.
I really whished to write more often, nevertheless, and unfortunately, it is very difficult nowadays.
I now have to positions in two different companies, plus the same as always.
So, quite hectic I must add.
Today (it is the end of october almost beggining of November), we went by bike to the beach... fantastic weather.
18:00 o'cock in the afternoon, no light but extremely mild.
Hope I can write more often here in the next days.
Meanwhile I leave you with a pic of the new puffs (i don't know if that's the word in english) of Branu's office
Take care y'all
Nice colour!
Good to have you back on the net.
Are they to sit on? Or to hit them? :)
At first I thought this was one of those picture from iraq where they tortured people with bags over their heads.
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