Friday, February 17, 2006

My 5 mins of fame


Yesterday night (it repeats today at 14:30 and throughout the weekend) there was a 25 mins business show on TV about Junior Enterprises (
Guess what?
Even though I was one of the 2 names mentioned at the beggining of the show, I had something like 30 secs talking about life after JE's.....
It was fun to see me on the tele....

Take care y'all

P.S. I will be soon trying to post part of the video, take care

Monday, February 06, 2006

Fawlty Towers

On my birthday (yes yes you forgot but you were not the only one) my darling Cila offered me a DVD with the full episodes of Fawlty Towers one of my favourite tv shows ever starring (Monty Python's) John Cleese, nad based upon a real nasty hotel owner in Torquay were the action takes place, even though (or maybe becuase of that) it is quite "clownish" I completely crack myself up laughing , specially when Manuel the "qué?" spanish waiter from barcelona...

It is just hillarious

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Nuno TV

Just a quick post (busy life, busy work, etc.) to tell you all, the 10000000000000000 readers of this blog, that I was interviewed for a National Tv Programme airing in RTPN called "radar de negócios" (business radar, roughly translated).
This will be, of course the first of many, and this one had to do with the time I was in FJC, in JADE, and how it helped me in my professional life, the drill....

Take care y'all
