Wednesday, December 27, 2006

web usability eye tracker

Hi there,

Today I am back to the roots and back to "double blogging" (see my other blog here ).

I found out this cool article about Jakob Nielsen, the web usability guru, and this new tool.

This a must see for anybody envolved in webmarketing.

Take care y'all

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

the solution

Bothe squares are the exact same colour!!!


Take care ya´ll

life standards, the good life

Today I decided to take the day off.

So we went for a ride by bike.

A small thing, click here to see our path (one way).

Nevertheless, one thing is for sure, we don´t really have too much to offer business wise, or career wise, we are not in the big capitals line, but we sure as hell have a fucking good life standard.....

The pic is at the beach at 11:00

We went to Espinho had tortilla, "Polvo" (octopus), some cheese and a glass of Planalto (see it here on my other blog).... 20 meters away from the sea with the sun burning my forehead.

Hell of a life.

Take care ya´ll

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006



Can u tell me if square "B" and Square "A" are:

a) the same colour

b) slightly different colours

c) different colours

I will leave this unreplied until I post again

I found this while searching for the positioning sentence of Branu in the net.

Really cool !:)

Take care ya'll



Travelling is one of my favourite thing sin the world.

I have visited now:

















Still a lot to see though.

I decided to travel to celebrate my 3oth birthday

so I found out thistwo sites for cheap flights and

I will wait for invitations from YOU as well as why shuld i go to your country!

To end this post just to tell you, the pics are in Budapest and Scotland, two nice surprises in the last 2 years .

Take care ya'll

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Monday, December 18, 2006

codfish for christmas

Today I decided for 2 new things.
First, to post here the exact same post as in my other blog (if you are reading the cooking one this is it), chef Nuno where I post my culinary deeds.
Secondly, for some time now, I was willing to introduce something (kind of) invented by me.
Here it is.
Doesn't have a name yet, so I launch a challenge, please post on "comments" the name you would give it, I will then ellect the best name, and the person who wins gets a bottle of Branu wine.
The pics are not the best sorry.
Basicly this is, codfish, some spinachs, sme shrimp, some garlic, some potatoe (both stewed and mashed) all built ito what you see.
I have to confess (modesty aside) it is delicius (I am eating as i write :))
Take care ya'll

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

office view

Hi there,

Today I decided to share with the world (that is if Kaweh is the world, as it seems he is the only one reading this :)) the view of my office and its considerable balcony.

Hope you enjoy it.

The view is part of Gaia, and Porto at its best.

Take care ya'll

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

"And now for something completely different"

I can only imagine how it was back in 1971 when a bunch of middle class british youngsters started this.

It is slightly compared to "Gato Fedorento" in Portugal, but back then, in old conservative Britain..... wo ho!

I think Monty Python are great, I also think they are completely out of their minds, all of them, including John Cleese the mentor behind one of my favourite series (and dvd).

OK, just to say I have been watching for some days now "And now for something completely different" as I got it from the local Fnac for less then 10 €, a bargain for such a primework.

Take care ya'll

P.s. looks like I am posting!!!!

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Mojca the girl!!

I am happy to announce that my good friend mojca is an inspiration, she just got promoted as head of Publicis Slovenia strategic department for a year!!

How cool is that?

Here i am tryig to get somewhere with my company and this girl I met for the first time 2 years ago in Brussels makes quite an achievment.

Camon Mojca, now you have to hire me and branu for something, or at least introduce us to publicis portugal :)

Coming soon to Ljbljana one of the loveliest cities I have been too.

Take care y'all

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I don't usually post about one of my greatest passions, Football.
But since i promised I would blog more often here it goes.
I am on strike.
I am on strike for a while because of the goalkeeper of my favourite team, Benfica, his name is Quim, or better, Joaquim, and he his the worst of the three goalkeepers Benfica has.
Onde again today, even though Benfica played very well, he just played as..... I would on goal, so, just plain normal.
When you play with the best that's not enough.
That's why I am a Marketeer and not a footballer (maybe becuase i suck also :)).
Nevertheless I love football it was a great match and most of all.
I am back in blogging :)

Take care ya'll

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