The will to blog

Hello once again (how many people in fact read the crap i write here?)
I have been wandering for some days.... I know a lot of people who blog frequently.
My intention was to do so to.
But it is the same here (in my blogs) as well as in my outlook, my pc, oh well and someothers.
When I miss one post (either I had too much to do or no connection) when I try to write the next one, it looks like a task for hercules.... well you can now imagine how may posts have not been done yet.
Once again I post here, i will try to post more often.
I think never in my life I had so much to post... Never in my life I had a camera always at hand (my sony eriksson K750i), so no excuses.
Please endulge me to... and too :)
The pic u see is from the floods in Douro the river that passes by porto.
Take care y'all