Monday, October 24, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
darn good

For those who can (yu will need winamp download it here )
And enjoy THE sound.. bring the noise!!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
more statistics

Oh well, more statistics were released today, this time about corruption. In the Eu, everybody is better off then my good'ol country except for my friend Matteo's Italy and Greece. Well not that I have anything against this 2 countries. In fact historically speaking they are the most important in the EU for sure (their ancient civilazitions were huge).
Nevertheless this might ave an explanation, all this 3 countries were big once, and now... wel, now they are at least no so big. Besides, they are old civilizations, which might mean, that means probably they are rotten on the inside.....
I just leave with this thought today.
Take care ya'lll (like more then two people read this stupid blog....)
Sunday, October 16, 2005

You guessed right...... I have discouvered I am turning bald...... So I thought the best way to fight it, was to pubish a picture of my baldness, and turn it public to the world.
Here it is.
Damn, I guess there is also an upside to this situation, which is, I am turning more and more responsible, and can be know started to see as wise man.
Please do not be harsh on your comments
Take care y'all
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Eric Mendez

I support my good old friend and joint adventurous in the business world DJ Eric Mendez.
You can check out where he will be in
I assure you he is damn good at what he does!!!
Pump it up!!!!

I read tody on the news that Romania needs 1 point to qualify for the 2006 World cup finals in Germany.
So the president of Craiova (a city in Romenia) has promised to name 11 streets in the city after the names of the Finnish players IF.... they manage to let Romania draw (at least).
My question is: What if Romania wins, what will Craiova do?
Take care
Monday, October 03, 2005

I was talking to my good friend Kaweh Dashti today and at a certain point he told me that if we ever meet again to discuss all pending subject "we might as well buy the bar as we will never leave". TRUE.
I am a discussion person, I like to debate, i like to state my pint and listen to other people points of view. I Think that from revolution comes evolution.
Shouldn't we all?
Take care